Security doors and the law.

In Western Australia, providers of security doors are regulated by law. Businesses who sell security doors must be licensed to provide that service.

Under the Security and Related Activities Act and Regulations, the business its consultants and installers must have a licence and additionally, they must be able to produce this licence to you on request. A Police clearance is different. It is not sufficient to satisfy Security Licensing. Furthermore large penalties apply to those individuals and businesses who do not have the correct licence. Audits of businesses are conducted regularly by Police Licensing.

What does this mean for you? By dealing with a business that is a licenced Security Agent and has licenced consultants and installers, you can be assured that they have been checked and approved by the WA Police.

If you are letting someone into your home for security purposes, you need to know who they say they are. It is equally important to also feel safe in their presence.

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